Five decades of cutting-edge research delivered a major breakthrough:
a range of products specifically designed to repair never-before seen
parts of your hair. It’s yet another example in a long history of important
innovations that Milbon has brought to the hair care industry worldwide.
Our unique fusion of science and creativity ensures every salon-exclusive
product we create is delightful, easy to use, and undeniably effective.Five decades of cutting-edge research delivered a major breakthrough: a range of products specifically designed to repair never-before seen parts of your hair.
It’s yet another example in a long history of important innovations that Milbon has brought to the hair care industry worldwide.
Our unique fusion of science and creativity ensures every salon-exclusive product we create is delightful, easy to use, and undeniably effective.
At Milbon, we think about hair the way others think about skin:
to show off its fullest beauty, it needs to be healthy.
For natural-looking beauty, it’s never a question of covering up problems
—it’s about repairing them from the inside out.
Working in partnership with leading stylists worldwide,
we at Milbon have meticulously studied hair for more than 50 years
—even at the nano level—to help it achieve its fullest natural potential.
360° Beautiful Hair
Hair that’s healthy and beautiful from any angle,
inside and out—that’s our approach. -
At Milbon, we think about hair the way others think about skin: to show off its fullest beauty, it needs to be healthy.
For natural-looking beauty, it’s never a question of covering up problems—it’s about repairing them from the inside out.
Working in partnership with leading stylists worldwide, we at Milbon have meticulously studied hair for more than 50 years—even at the nano level—to help it achieve its fullest natural potential.
360° Beautiful Hair
Hair that’s healthy and beautiful from any angle, inside and out—that’s our approach.
In 2015, Milbon’s research lab discovered a process for analyzing hair from a 3D perspective: bringing CT-scan technology to haircare for the first time.
Our analyses at Japan’s synchrotron radiation facility—known as SPring-8—revealed astounding, never-before seen realities about damaged hair.
SSVs (Stick-Shaped Voids) are hollow, tubular gaps that form in chemically treated hair—and which seem to contribute to loss of shine, split ends, and breakage.
This discovery expands Milbon’s possibilities for helping hair types around the world to become healthy and beautiful again.SPring-8—located in Japan’s Hyogo prefecture—is a large synchrotron radiation facility, and one which delivers the most powerful scanning radiation currently available. (In fact, it’s one of the three most important facilities of its kind, the others being in France and the United States.) Consisting of powerful, narrow electromagnetic beams, synchrotron radiation is generated when electrons—after being accelerated nearly to the speed of light—are forced to travel in a curved path by a strong magnetic field. SPring-8 uses this type of radiation to conduct scientific research in nanotechnology, biotechnology, and industrial applications.
In 2015, Milbon’s research lab discovered a process for analyzing hair from a 3D perspective: bringing CT-scan technology to haircare for the first time.
Our analyses at Japan’s synchrotron radiation facility—known as SPring-8—revealed astounding, never-before seen realities about damaged hair.
SSVs (Stick-Shaped Voids) are hollow, tubular gaps that form in chemically treated hair—and which seem to contribute to loss of shine, split ends, and breakage.
This discovery expands Milbon’s possibilities for helping hair types around the world to become healthy and beautiful again.SPring-8—located in Japan’s Hyogo prefecture—is a large synchrotron radiation facility, and one which delivers the most powerful scanning radiation currently available.
(In fact, it’s one of the three most important facilities of its kind,the others being in France and the United States.)
Consisting of powerful, narrow electromagnetic beams,synchrotron radiation is generated when electrons—after being accelerated nearly to the speed of light—are forced to travel in a curved path by a strong magnetic field.
SPring-8 uses this type of radiation to conduct scientific research in nanotechnology,biotechnology, and industrial applications.
In the absence of effective treatment, SSVs continue to expand, causing hair to lose its shine and resilience.
SSVR-Silk™ is a powerful, silk-based complex which supersedes these hollow tubular gaps—and improves hair’s overall integrity, inside and out. -
In the absence of effective treatment, SSVs continue to expand, causing hair to lose its shine and resilience.
SSVR-Silk™ is a powerful, silk-based complex which supersedes these hollow tubular gaps—and improves hair’s overall integrity, inside and out.